Mario De Arce, one of my close friends during the Numont/Runnymede years sends his regards to all and encloses this message:
"Hola Amer,
Long time man!, it is amazing that you sent me an email for I was thinking of you the day before.
It’s nice to see some of you guys are keeping in touch. I lost contact with everybody many years ago but as you mention with age many times I find myself thinking you, Abi, James Taylor and the rest of the gang.
Well, I have to run now but keep in touch, I saw there is a blog in the Runnymede site so I will figure out how to join and will send a hello to all our old friends.
Nice hearing from you Amer!
Take care
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Uberta Zambeleti and Her Son, Leone
Uberta Zambeleti and Son
Our friend Uberta Zambeleti says 'hi' to all her friends and encloses this message:
Hola a todos!
Aquì os mando una foto recientiiiisima de mi hijo Leone (con tarta en la boca!) y de mi, para update la imagen que teneis de mi de hace 20 anos.
He encontrado fotos de clase y los yearbooks del 78 y del 79, en cuanto tenga tiempo las hago scan y os las mando. They are fun!
Un beso a todos and a special one to Abi: menudo ordeal! Siempre he sonado visitar a India, pero quizàs se me han pasado un poco las ganas...
Ah! He dowloaded skype: QUE GOZADA! Hablè con Willy anoche, what fun!
Quizàs podrìamos publicar un updatable directory en el blog con los msn and skype addresses de los que quieran comunicarlo? No se si tecnicamente se puede hacer, but it might be a good idea no?
El mio es ubertazambeletti (mi apellido lleva una ‘l’ sola!)
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
A letter to all from Abi & her husband Juancho
Abigail Stisin
I hope your Spanish is good. Here is a letter which has been sent to us explaining their ADVENTURE. Please take time to read it, it's worth while.
¡¡Hola a Todos!!
Con mi primer cigarro en 10 días, os escribo nuestra última desventura mientras le dicto esta carta a mi mujer, en la que ella colabora con mucha gracia, poniendo de su cosecha..Esperamos no aburriros por culpa de un “cabrón de mosquito”.
Las últimas noticias no son muy buenas... Hace una semana que estamos en el hospital de la capital de Orissa, ya que todo el equipo menos Abi ha contraído la malaria. Hemos tenido que suspender la grabación hasta Septiembre ya que además se nos están echando encima las lluvias pre-monzónicas.
No sabemos exactamente donde ocurrió, pero los 4 hombres del equipo sufrimos al mismo tiempo los síntomas...
Estábamos subiendo las montañas con 15 porteadores. La caminata era de 3 horas y hacía un calor infernal (temperaturas de hasta 48 º C , no os exagero). Nos dirigíamos a la segunda tribu: Los Bonda, en una aldea muy recóndita donde no saben siquiera como saludar agitando la mano. De repente el protagonista del primer capítulo (el afectado del Tsunami) y yo, empezamos a encontrarnos fatal y con fiebre. Así que decidimos dar la vuelta y que el todoterreno nos llevase al hospital más próximo. Allí nos hicieron análisis de sangre y orina . En ese momento la malaria dio negativa, pero como teníamos sangre en la orina nos hicieron análisis y resultó según el hospital, que teníamos infección de orina y nada más. Nos dieron antibiótico y paracetamol. Al “prota” le dejamos ingresado por que también se le complicó con problemas de diabetes (y nunca antes se había puesto insulina). El chofer nos llevó a la pequeña ciudad más cercana que estaba a una hora. Nos quedamos en un hotel que por supuesto no tenía agua caliente, ni aire acondicionado y las sábanas estaban con moho. Como Abi es tan previsora, llevaba un juego de sábanas en una mochila de emergencia que ella lleva siempre y por lo menos pudimos “dormir” limpios. También pidió que trasladasen una nevera a nuestro dormitorio para tener agua mineral fría. Esa misma noche yo volaba en fiebre, vómitos, mareos, dolor general en articulaciones y pinchazos en la cabeza. Así que por la mañana “mi rubia” tomó una muestra de mi sangre con un kit que compramos para detectar malaria y dio positivo la “falciparum” que es la peor. Me sacó más sangre y corriendo se la llevó al mejor médico de la ciudad, donde repitieron el test, pero según ellos y su microscopio, el parásito era el común, tipo “Vivax”, y que “supuestamente” no es el mortal. De inmediato, me dieron pastillas e inyecciones para matar al “bicho”, pero seguía sintiéndome de pena. Así estuve 2 días intentando reponerme y el médico siempre le repetía lo mismo a la rubia: “Mam it takes time”..Traducción: “Señora es Ud. un plomo”. Abi me dijo que no se fiaba nada por que los resultados le parecían confusos y que las pastillas que me habían dado no eran las mismas que un médico de la capital nos había recomendado. Así que llamó a nuestro contacto de la Cruz Roja Española en Orissa, a nuestra Santa Virgen Lourdes Pérez, que indagó preguntándole al médico como estaba la situación con repetidas llamadas.
Mientras tanto, llegó al hospital el resto del equipo con los mismos síntomas, pero a “lo Indio”: no sienten el calorazo, les da igual en que sábanas duermen y por supuesto el agua que beben... ¡¡así que yo vomitaba por todos ellos juntos!!
Todo el equipaje y material de grabación quedó atrás con nuestro guía-traductor local que se había quedado al cargo en las montañas de la aldea Bonda. Junto con el dueño del hotel, Abi organizó la recogida del equipaje enviando una expedición que duró 4 horas de ida en todoterreno, 3 horas de caminata con porteadores hasta la aldea, otras tantas de vuelta y llegada del vehículo hasta el hotel, mientras se ocupaba de mi precaria salud sin dejarme ni a sol ni a sombra. Seguidamente mandó un taxi para recoger al resto del equipo que esperaba en el hospital cutre y los metió en un tren (de los que recorren 600km y tardan 17 horas) para que fueran yendo al hospital de la capital y ella pudiese ocuparse de mi al 100%.
Os pongo en situación: 9 de la noche y 40 de fiebre, vamos que si nos descuidamos, en pocas horas el parásito de la malaria echa al gusano del anisakis por las orejas. Entonces mi ángel de la guarda (Abi), habla con Lourdes Pérez de nuevo y decide que hay que irse urgentemente al mejor hospital de la capital. A las 11 estábamos de camino con un todoterreno más cargado que los moros cuando cruzan el estrecho con un Renault 14 de esos del 68. Eso si, mi enfermera particular me preparó el asiento de atrás enterito para mi, lleno de almohadas y colchas, por aquello de los baches. Parecíamos los de la “loca carrera” de los dibujos animados esquivando vacas sagradas que dormitaban por la carretera y dando botes por el cochambroso asfalto. Ella, que viajaba en el asiento del copiloto, se mantuvo despierta toda la noche hablándole a nuestra ardilla “Bindi” para que el conductor, que no hablaba inglés, no se durmiese por que el trayecto iba a durar unas 10 horas. Después de vomitar durante varias horas en bolsas de plástico que llevábamos para el caso, a eso de las 3 de la madrugada tuvimos que parar en un paso a nivel. El chofer se bajó y llamó a Abi diciéndole: “Mam puncture”.. traducción: señora bájese que la hemos “cagao”.. ASIN que... la pobre me bajó como pudo del vehículo y me tumbó en el suelo con una almohada mientras seguía vomitando y sudando como un pollo a la sombra de la luna a 35 grados. Abi, sumida en la desesperación, después de que el espíritu del gato del Renault intentase por décima vez levantar el todoterreno (en la India no es a la tercera va la vencida es a la décima) y sin nadie alrededor a quién acudir, empezó a llorar amargamente llamando a su madre.. en breves segundos del otro lado de la barrera justo antes de que apareciese el tren, apareció un ENORME autobús con más gallinas y cabras que personas.. A Abi se le abrió el cielo y se acercó agitando los brazos como posesa gritando: “HELP! HELP!”..
Se vio rodeada de 50 indios que rápidamente rodearon el coche mirándonos a los con ojos como platos. Abi haciendo señas, les indicó que ayudasen a levantar el coche y cambiasen la rueda pinchada junto con el chofer que en ese momento recuperó su color moreno ya que camaleónicamente se había vuelto blanco debido a la situación. (Hay fotos).A pesar de que llevábamos aire acondicionado, las almohadas, las colchas y yo, llegamos a la puerta del único hospital privado de la ciudad, en un charco de sudor y vómito a eso de las 11 de la mañana. Gracias a nuestro teléfono por satélite, pudimos avisar a nuestro contacto que se movió mas rápido que George Clooney en la serie EMERGENCIA.
A la media hora de espera en “urgencias” yo estaba con suero (por la deshidratación) y con la quinina adecuada en vena, ya que el tratamiento que estaba recibiendo no arreglaba mi situación.
De nuevo un análisis y sí resultó que había contraído la malaria peligrosa que había que tratar sin más demora.
Mi nueva vivienda durante 10 días ha sido la Habitación 315 del Kalinga Hospital que ellos llaman “Super Deluxe” .. Por los 100 dólares que paga el seguro al día, tenemos 2 camas (con cabecero de terciopelo Burdeos y cortinas a juego) aunque por supuesto más duras que un mármol, baño particular con agua caliente (pero el calentador estropeado), aire acondicionado (y más mosquitos que los 20 cortes de luz al día). Abi está tan obsesionada que anda con 2 sprays antimosquitos, uno para matarlos a ellos y otro para que no nos maten, además de la zapatilla, periódico, cinturón y tiene al secretario del cuarto de guardia en la puerta persiguiendo a cualquier trompetero que ose entrar “en territorio comanche” ya que la rubia está en pie de guerra. Hasta aquí acaba la carta desde la India.
Ahora os escribo desde Madrid. Día 21 Junio 2005.
Por desgracia, al salir yo del hospital, la rubia cayó también con la misma malaria, solo que consiguió llegar a España a los 2 días, pero en estado inconsciente. Ha estado 6 días en la UVI y 3 días más en planta para poder recuperarse en el Hospital Carlos III de medicina Tropical y del Viajero de Madrid, por suerte a cargo de el mejor especialista que es el Doctor Sabino Puente. Ya se encuentra mejor.
Os mandamos un beso muy fuerte, Los Aguilillas de la India.
Hey, I'm getting really excited about all this!!!!!!
Now that I THINK I have the knack of this, I would also like to congratulate Ricky and his wife Wanda, they baptised their beautiful daughter Alicia Sofia on the same Saturday we had our "bash". Hopefully Ricky & Wanda will let us take a peak at that special moment by sending us a picture.
Welcome Abi and Nuria Stisin (how the hell did I get here)
Dear friends,
I'm "practising" so I don't know where this is going to be published!!!!!
I spoke to Nuria Stisin and then to Abi Stisin. I think I was so excited in speaking to her again that forgot to ask many, many questions. Right now she is resting (reposo total) after fighting for her life once she came back from India with Malaria and being in hospital for over a week (most of the time in Intensive Care). I must admit she did not sound her cheery old-self but considering she has no energy left and trying to get it back, I don't blame her. She was really sorry she couldn't make the dinner (due to the obvious) and promised to make the next one.
Here is her email: ( Her cell phone:(+34) 670228822
Nuria was a different story. Bubbly and still a scream to speak to. She has had her fourth child 5 months ago, heads I don't know how many businesses etc.... ENERGY...... where the hell does she get it from. I'm sure she will update us all with her multiple activities and know-how!!!!. Here is her email: Her cellphone: (+34) 639917052.
I'm "practising" so I don't know where this is going to be published!!!!!
I spoke to Nuria Stisin and then to Abi Stisin. I think I was so excited in speaking to her again that forgot to ask many, many questions. Right now she is resting (reposo total) after fighting for her life once she came back from India with Malaria and being in hospital for over a week (most of the time in Intensive Care). I must admit she did not sound her cheery old-self but considering she has no energy left and trying to get it back, I don't blame her. She was really sorry she couldn't make the dinner (due to the obvious) and promised to make the next one.
Here is her email: ( Her cell phone:(+34) 670228822
Nuria was a different story. Bubbly and still a scream to speak to. She has had her fourth child 5 months ago, heads I don't know how many businesses etc.... ENERGY...... where the hell does she get it from. I'm sure she will update us all with her multiple activities and know-how!!!!. Here is her email: Her cellphone: (+34) 639917052.
Runnymede Reunion Bash, 18th June! Read all about it!
My dear friends,
I have asked Amer to post this up since I find myself under the impossibility of doing so myself and not wanting to block off the whole system by practising the wrong "inserts....."
The night stated off in quite a confused way. Many of us got lost, the street was not that easy to find considering Ana gave us very precise instructions of how to get there. Some came by taxi (good boy David, although you must have walked have the way home before finding one which would take you both home...), and the rest by car.
Getting to the place was difficult since Madrid on Saturday had gone crazy. Firstly we had a big enormous demonstration against gays & lesbians adopting children - this took up half of the main artery of Madrid - The Castellana. Secondly we had a macro-concert which intersected with the demonstration (Carlinhos Brown and his Brazilian salsa) overtook the rest of the Castellana from 7pm onwards, very hectic indeed. Other obstacles encountered were all the "construction and building work in progress" taking place all over Madrid, TERRIBLE!!!!!.
We were summoned at 10pm. Finally, twelve of us turned up. Unfortunately, Vicky cancelled at the last minute and the rest who live in Madrid cancelled or weren't able to make it due to other commitments.
The wonderful menu set up by Ana consisted of:
Appetizer: Carrot and Red Apple with Cashew & Roquefort Dip and Cherry tomatoes with Mozarella and Basil - MAGNIFICENT
Entree: Yoghurt soup - DELICIOUS (although David had to wait for all the cucumber and raisins to drop to the bottom of the bowl before he was able to serve himself)
Main dish: Chicken Curry with Basmati Rice. Garnish: walnuts, raisins, banana, pineapple, coconut, red pepper and mango chutney - ABSOLUTELY SCRUMPTIOUS.( I have never been a curry fan, but this was not curry, this was THE CURRY!!!!! I will attack Ana tomorrow for ALL the details and ingredients...)
Dessert: Tiramisu - NO WORDS!!!!!! (This was the first time Ana made this dessert and was using us a guinea pigs..... didn't mind at all, it was fantastic).
To drink a good red wine was opened and David raised his glass and we all toasted for Ana and for the get together.
We all had a great time. We spoke about teachers, detention, asked about different classmates, (everything we did and did not do at...) gym at the Parque de Berlin and Moscardo, opening up frogs & rats, copying exams, more teachers and their sexual derivations, who was the sexiest, the coolest and from here on you may extend your imagination on and on..........
The night ended quite late, specially for those of us who have children and the following morning they all sounded "reveille" much earlier than wished.
We missed all of those of you who could not make it, that would have liked to have been there. Hopefully at the 2007 meeting many more of us will be present.
Big kiss to all and hope you enjoy the pictures. The quality is not that good considering Ana and Fe created a romantic and cosy atmosphere leaving very little light for the pictures.
Ana prepared mementos for all of us. We all tried to sign each one of them, all looks well but we were all screaming asking who was whos and what the hell to write at 3.30am in the morning
Totally out of control, although David is trying his hardest
Attendees: Felicia Traun, Ana Malison, Margarita Castro, David Leeland, Clara de Kobbe, Samantha Peñalver (out of reach..... only one leg showing) and at the back Tiana Sabater. Behind the picture were David's wife, Clara's husband and Tiana's husband
Second try of the nigh. It's starting to get crazy!!!!!
THE GOUP POSE - Trying to look serious, this was taken at 3am - Condition not too good
David Leeland - THE MAN OF THE NIGHT, Sami covering up not to be recognised and Clara de Kobbe
Sami and Clara trying to act like they are paying attention - crap, they were taking a side pose
Elena Alacid, Luis (Clara's husband), Carmela (David Leeland's lovely wife) and Clara de Kobbe
Elena Alacid and Luis (Clara's husband) looking on
Nicolas and Ana checking out the clown pictures we were taking
Ana Malison, Nicolas (Tiana's husband), Elena Alacid and Luis (Clara's husband)
Ana practising with her camera. Fe, Tiana and Marga taking a pose - our condition was still good.
Eating, drinking and trying to smile at the camera (quite difficult the meal mas magnificent)
Ana Malison showing off her camera next to Nicolas (Tiana's husband)
Another shot of Felicia Traun and Ana Malison
Ana Malison and Fe a nice closeup
Ex-Runnymede Dinner - June 18th, 2005. Ana Malison's house - Madrid - SPAIN
This is a sample of the memento!!!! The front part was the picture taken on 4th Form, this is the centre part and the back part was the menu Ana delighted us with.
I leave this picture for the end. Ana and Fe, the host and the helper. THANKS TO Ana AND Fe we were all cared for, a bit tipsy but very happy..... THANK YOU ANA FOR SUCH A MEMORABLE DAY.
I have asked Amer to post this up since I find myself under the impossibility of doing so myself and not wanting to block off the whole system by practising the wrong "inserts....."
The night stated off in quite a confused way. Many of us got lost, the street was not that easy to find considering Ana gave us very precise instructions of how to get there. Some came by taxi (good boy David, although you must have walked have the way home before finding one which would take you both home...), and the rest by car.
Getting to the place was difficult since Madrid on Saturday had gone crazy. Firstly we had a big enormous demonstration against gays & lesbians adopting children - this took up half of the main artery of Madrid - The Castellana. Secondly we had a macro-concert which intersected with the demonstration (Carlinhos Brown and his Brazilian salsa) overtook the rest of the Castellana from 7pm onwards, very hectic indeed. Other obstacles encountered were all the "construction and building work in progress" taking place all over Madrid, TERRIBLE!!!!!.
We were summoned at 10pm. Finally, twelve of us turned up. Unfortunately, Vicky cancelled at the last minute and the rest who live in Madrid cancelled or weren't able to make it due to other commitments.
The wonderful menu set up by Ana consisted of:
Appetizer: Carrot and Red Apple with Cashew & Roquefort Dip and Cherry tomatoes with Mozarella and Basil - MAGNIFICENT
Entree: Yoghurt soup - DELICIOUS (although David had to wait for all the cucumber and raisins to drop to the bottom of the bowl before he was able to serve himself)
Main dish: Chicken Curry with Basmati Rice. Garnish: walnuts, raisins, banana, pineapple, coconut, red pepper and mango chutney - ABSOLUTELY SCRUMPTIOUS.( I have never been a curry fan, but this was not curry, this was THE CURRY!!!!! I will attack Ana tomorrow for ALL the details and ingredients...)
Dessert: Tiramisu - NO WORDS!!!!!! (This was the first time Ana made this dessert and was using us a guinea pigs..... didn't mind at all, it was fantastic).
To drink a good red wine was opened and David raised his glass and we all toasted for Ana and for the get together.
We all had a great time. We spoke about teachers, detention, asked about different classmates, (everything we did and did not do at...) gym at the Parque de Berlin and Moscardo, opening up frogs & rats, copying exams, more teachers and their sexual derivations, who was the sexiest, the coolest and from here on you may extend your imagination on and on..........
The night ended quite late, specially for those of us who have children and the following morning they all sounded "reveille" much earlier than wished.
We missed all of those of you who could not make it, that would have liked to have been there. Hopefully at the 2007 meeting many more of us will be present.
Big kiss to all and hope you enjoy the pictures. The quality is not that good considering Ana and Fe created a romantic and cosy atmosphere leaving very little light for the pictures.
Ana prepared mementos for all of us. We all tried to sign each one of them, all looks well but we were all screaming asking who was whos and what the hell to write at 3.30am in the morning
Totally out of control, although David is trying his hardest
Attendees: Felicia Traun, Ana Malison, Margarita Castro, David Leeland, Clara de Kobbe, Samantha Peñalver (out of reach..... only one leg showing) and at the back Tiana Sabater. Behind the picture were David's wife, Clara's husband and Tiana's husband
Second try of the nigh. It's starting to get crazy!!!!!
THE GOUP POSE - Trying to look serious, this was taken at 3am - Condition not too good
David Leeland - THE MAN OF THE NIGHT, Sami covering up not to be recognised and Clara de Kobbe
Sami and Clara trying to act like they are paying attention - crap, they were taking a side pose
Elena Alacid, Luis (Clara's husband), Carmela (David Leeland's lovely wife) and Clara de Kobbe
Elena Alacid and Luis (Clara's husband) looking on
Nicolas and Ana checking out the clown pictures we were taking
Ana Malison, Nicolas (Tiana's husband), Elena Alacid and Luis (Clara's husband)
Ana practising with her camera. Fe, Tiana and Marga taking a pose - our condition was still good.
Eating, drinking and trying to smile at the camera (quite difficult the meal mas magnificent)
Ana Malison showing off her camera next to Nicolas (Tiana's husband)
Another shot of Felicia Traun and Ana Malison
Ana Malison and Fe a nice closeup
Ex-Runnymede Dinner - June 18th, 2005. Ana Malison's house - Madrid - SPAIN
This is a sample of the memento!!!! The front part was the picture taken on 4th Form, this is the centre part and the back part was the menu Ana delighted us with.
I leave this picture for the end. Ana and Fe, the host and the helper. THANKS TO Ana AND Fe we were all cared for, a bit tipsy but very happy..... THANK YOU ANA FOR SUCH A MEMORABLE DAY.
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Nuestro Amigo, Luis De Avenado
Luis De Avenado with his newly born son (being held by Jean Allen a friend and journalist).
Our friend Luis De Avenado, Class of 1976 and Webmaster of "Runnymede College" webpage, has kindly provided a link to us in the 'Old Runnymedian' section. Gracias amigo!
"Congratulations on your blog, it's wonderful to
see old pictures surface. I know a number of
people from your class: I had lunch with David
Leeland only last week.
I've put a link on the OR page but please let me
know what else I can do to promote your site.
Luis de Avendaño
Class of 76"
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Abigail Stisin Recuperating in Hospital
Abigail Stisin
Taken from a an email by Tiana Sabater about our dear friend Abigail Stisin:
I have just spoken to Abi & Nuria's mother (Rosa) and just went through a wave of shock, but only partially. Firstly I asked about Abi. She came back 8 days ago from India and is in the Carlos III hospital with Malaria, she just came out of Intensive Care (yesterday) and has been extremely ill. I have tried reaching her but the call was not taken so I left a message on her answering service with my cell number. Here is her number if you wish to contact her 670 22 88 22. The second shock came when she mentioned that her daughter, her LITTLE DAUGHTER is now 15!!!!!!!!! Shit, what happened!!!!!
Also spoke to Nuria Stisin (her cell phone 639 91 70 52 ) and her email address . She has a spa business and has been at it for the last 6 years. Married for 10 years and 4 kids, living in Barajas (Madrid) and happy as a lark, like always!!!!! I'll check out her email and add it to the list.
Will keep on trying to speak to Abi and will let you know when I have some news.
Tiana Sabater
On behalf of all Runnymedians, friends and colleagues alike, we wish Abigail Stisin a speedy and healthy recovery.
Skype Telephone List
"No thanks AT&T, I'm switching to SKYPE!"
A few of us have downloaded a great PC/Telephone program from We are compiling a list of folks who have accounts on Skype.
Thanks to Linda Hall’s advice, Willy Branco, Ousama Abdelrahman and myself have had some fun conversations through this digital gizmo (all you need is a microphone on your PC, the calls are free). If you want to add your Skype name do so here. Or you can open an account and give your handle to someone you want to talk privately to.
So far these are the accounts:
Monday, June 13, 2005
A Note and Picture from our Friend Uberta Zambelleti
Uberta Zambelleti sends her regards to all her friends and encloses this note:
"I just found this! Mamma mia!
Kisses to all, Uberta
P.S. No luck w the Lisa Dodge in USA, I called but it wasnt her! I emailed Elena 4 news, but no reply.
Does anyone else know anything?? I miss her... X"
1979: Uberta Zambelleti and Amelie Orssich
"I just found this! Mamma mia!
Kisses to all, Uberta
P.S. No luck w the Lisa Dodge in USA, I called but it wasnt her! I emailed Elena 4 news, but no reply.
Does anyone else know anything?? I miss her... X"
1979: Uberta Zambelleti and Amelie Orssich
Runnymede Reunion Snapshots
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