Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Pics (a whole lote of them)

XL Runnymede Anniverary - 7 July 2007

Now that all the pictures have been sent, re-sent, laughed at etc..... I am trying to proceed to stick, hang, copy&past the pictures on this blog of ours for all of you to see. So here we go, I reproduce what I previously sent just in case some of you have not been able to read some of our comments regarding THE D-DAY.

Dear friends,

Nuria Stisin has been the FIRST ONE in sending in her pics of our XL Runnymede Anniversary Dinner. I'm trying to add them to our blog without much success, since changing jobs I believe I cannot access editing "seniority". I have requested the help of our GREAT GURU AMER to help me out and still waiting for his gracious blessing!!!!

We still have pending receiving Vicky's (not any more, she has already sent them) pics as well as Ricky's, both with digital cameras and very much modernised. I'm afraid those in my camera (a big fancy one but not digital) will take a bit longer since I have to take in the negatives for them to be digitalised as to be able to then share them. Ricky requested no censorship on the pics but after seeing one of the ones sent by Nuria in which I did not distinguish between our tender SIRLOIN STEAK served for dinner and my face decided to omit it. Ha, ha, ha. Sorry folks but that's what happens when requested to circulate them, I can "censure them". (Not my luck, they've all been sent ... a bocajarro).

Mondays for me are terrible, specially after such an intense weekend and after seeing the pictures sent I've entered in total depression. But I'm doing my best to offer you a tinny glimpse of what went on this last Saturday 7th at Mayte Commodore.

It all started at 20:30, well at least that was the initial idea. At 21:00 hrs. there was a big line up at the entry to the Cocktail room since Claude Eisen was trying to control payment entries. The poor guy was sweating while kissing and hugging everyone who knew him (or tried to "colarse") at the same time he was receiving €50 & €100 notes and trying to find out how the hell to return the change. Believe me he was knocked-out before it all began!!!!!

Believe it or not, our 1985 Class were the youngest there, if you do not consider Manolo Powell jr who was probably "necessarily obliged" as the "HEREU" to assist the event, his facial expression showed he was "hasta las pelotas de tanto dinosaurio caduco..." and feeling totally out of place.

The table arrangements were organised and "designed" by some one great, that while still sober, somehow managed to put our dear Beatriz Misrahi and husband at the wrong table adding a few outcasts to the 1985 table. Nevertheless we had a great time although the first hour and a half after being sited we were complaining about practically everything (Ricky renamed the table as being "la mesa de dar por culo....", and he was absolutely right). The wine was "calentorro", the salad, ham and foie belonged to the same year we graduated (without any consideration towards those who are vegetarians or who do not eat "jamón" - the meat, totally overcooked, the fish some managed to order although out of the menu, looked like someone's "wily" had been cut, cooked and served!!!! sorry guys...). The dessert was served in a breakfast bowl and the coffee was managed to served under control without spilling any on it on any of us.

Once we survived dinner it was time for speeches, well, the "old farts" did all the talking while our table entered into a kind hysterical bunch trying to figure out who was going to be THE ONE to give THE SPEECH, we were still trying to get sober when the whole thing was over - so then we started complaining about always being the out-casts, I must say I was into a terrible laughter fit which reached the maximum ecstasy after hearing about Mr. Powell (senior) at some point trying to find a new pair of trousers (just trying to imagine Mr. Powell in his underwear just breaks me up completely..... )way back in 1974 after losing them at school one day to a yellow fluid which came from an old photocopier. Once those "rollos" were over, the dancing began, or at least we thought it.......

Sorry, but I forgot to mention a very special toast made for Frederik Takkenberg whom passed away a couple of months ago. His brother, Henrik, came to the dinner and offered us a nice, short, simple and very caring speech and toast in memory of his brother.

Some young jerk showed up trying to act like a DJ but did not manage it at all. We passed from being "la mesa que da por culo......" a la que "más por culo dieron al DJ". We managed to dance to some undanceable songs and got everyone into a "rapture" state when the sound of The Village People with YMC blared from the speakers, imagine, that was THE CLIMAX!!!!!! Quel horreur!!!!!!!

After running around trying to take as many pictures as possible, trying to speak to as many as possible, I managed to miss a few falls on the dance floor (como no, always the same ones) .

We continued like this until 3am when Manolo Powell closed the night off. Before so, Lazaro managed to take down the RUNNYMEDE FLAGSHIP (Mrs. Powell told Nuria to let us all know that the actual flagship or badge or whatever you wish to call it, was personally sewed by her, buying all the necessary in the Calle Mayor and sewing it with lots of loving care.....) while Lazaro and I tried to look distinguished wrapped round in it. After knowing the story behind it, me da un poco de asco!!! la verdad!!!!!!!

Some left earlier than others but I believe it all continued in some place called the Black Star!!! Believe me, I've never heard of the place and when I look it up in the web I get all kind of weird things.... so I'll have to let someone else tell us about it.

Many of us have already received as many as 47 pictures about the event. I'm going to send this out to ALL of you, and from there on will continue sending you some of the best pictures so I do not corrupt your email system (specially with pictures of MY CHICHAS!!!!). I will not include those pictures to any of those who have already received them except of course when some new ones come up. Don't worry, you won't miss a thing. Of course, those of you who do not wish to receive the pictures, please let me know, I'm sure Amer will get them posted on our blog shortly, I do not wish to block your emailing or whatever. I'll wait for later on in the afternoon to begin processing the pictures before sending them, that will give you time to decide or to let me know, that NO THANK YOU.

We dearly missed many of you whom we know are in Madrid but could not make it for various reasons. Some of you missed the date by just a week upon arrival, some of you mixed up the days...... but just to let you know we all thought about you guys and would have loved to have you at our table sharing our "tender sirloin steak" and all our laughs and thoughts.

Hopefully we'll manage to get a bigger group next time since we will then be the DINOSAURS.

Big kiss to all of you. By the way, Russell Lloyd has been added to our list and TODAY IS HIS BIRTHDAY!!!!!! So my dear, as I said before, this is what you miss. I understand you wanted to come back at some point to Madrid, jeez.... you could be our connection to the Runnymede Dinner at London!!!!

Pues eso, un big BESO to all of you,
