Saturday, June 04, 2005

Welcome to the Blog: Ye Olde Runnymede

Dear Friends,

The last few days, a group of friends (after 25 years) - simultaneously energized and soaked with nostalgia - have decided to touch base with each other. Everyone has moved on in life, some married, some remained in Spain, some pursued their fates elsewhere, but no matter where and what we ended up doing, the last few days have been a real homecoming of sorts.

In many ways it's been astonishing to realize how people in their 30s were so alike to their childhood selves; certain characteristic traits have always been ingrained in us. People who usually - for whatever reason - were guarded and a tad cynical towards friendships in general, immediately dropped their emotional defenses when they realized they were dealing with an old Runnymede friend.

We have all been through much the last 25 years: emotional and professional highs and lows, for example, but here we at the other side of the spectrum, ready to reengage with our old friends.

The last few days we have built an impressive network of former Runny friends including Tatiana Sabater, Michel Deshapelles, Amelie Orssich, Ousama Abdelrahman, Vicky De La Calva, Margarita Castro, Michael D'Lugo, Samantha Penalver, Guilherme Castillo Branco, David Leeland and Sherin Saadallah.

We are still hoping to hear from many of our old classmates. If this Blog can unite us and bring forth not only our friends but other Runnymedians, then it truly will be another miracle of the internet.

Welcome back, old friends.


Some of you have seen these old pictures, but here goes anyway:

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1980: Charlie, Amer Hilal, Sherin Saadallah, Beatrice Mizrahi, Abigail Stisin, Guillerme "Willy" Castillo Branco, Tatiana Sabater, Melanie, Michael D'Lugo, Michelle, Ousama Abdelrahman

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1979: Ousama Abdelrahman, Amer Hilal, James Taylor and Phillip.

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1977: A Numont School Picture
(Back)David Leeland, Amer Hilal, Robert
(Front) Arancha, Sonsola

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1987: Beatrice Misrahi, Abigail Stisin, Tatiana Sabater

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2004: A Small Reunion

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The Two Faces of Amelie Orssich: The Housewife and The Sexah Cabaret Dancer!

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Vicky De La Calva, Abigail Stisin and Mary Ann Voli


Amer said...

thanks willy, listen if you need a good webpage to upload pictures use

its free and its damn good



Amer said...

cmon people give us a brief synpsis of what you been up to the kast 25 years!!

Amer said...


If you have pictures in your PC you can upload them to your account of:

It's a great place to upload pictures. Once the picture is uploaded you cut and paste the link in your post here.

If for some reason you cannot manage to get that sorted just email me the pics and ill post them here.



Tiana said...

How the hell can I put up a picture

Tiana said...

Amelie tia no tengo ni flowers de lo que hago

Amer said...

Ok Tiana,

1.Register at
2. Log in using you name and password.
3. Then (if you have stills in your PC) upload them to the program.
4.You will then get 3 options under the picture.


Choose TAG - Cut and paste the link inside the blank INTO the "Post Comment" Box in the BLOG.

When you click "Post Comment" you will see the picture appear.

Hope this helps.


Tiana said...

Amer, this is getting so fu..... complicated I've actually stopped working altogther. I've followed instructions, opened an account in photobucket copied and pasted the tag part and once done este idiota de blog me dice que "fuck-off", not accepted

Tiana said...

Thanks for the confianza. Lets see what I can now do

Tiana said...

WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED. Who put this obscene monkey in our lives!!! Lo que nos faltaba para completar this crack-up. Marga, how are the pictures doing, still waiting to take a glimpse of your twin girls. Amelie, what about yours. Amer, I sent you Amelies picture, its great, put it up so we can all enjoy the curves!!! Besos. PS-I'm getting good at this, just need to practice

Amer said...


Did I ever say John Wayne was my favorite in the 70s? Damn I must have been ..un poco loco?

Tania, Yes the monkey is my sig. I didn't have a small real life modern picture so I thought the monkey pic is as close as I can get. I knew you'd enjoy the kissing part, Tiana.

I will post Amelie's picture soon (altho she's in Sandra Bullock "Miss Congeniality 2" mode).

Marga and Vicky - welcome to the asylum.

Amer said...


Tiana said...

This is getting exciting, Linda Hall has joined in, how the hell she posted her comments where she did I don't know, she must be a hacker for sure and living on Terminator territory, wow! that must be exciting!!! I like the kiss your said it Amer, kind of icky if you ask me???? OK I'm off to Numont to my parent - teacher meeting of the semester, as soon as I go in I will have a big smile on my face remembering the picture of the BIG FIVE with the Davids wonderful "recoge balls" pants.... Have a good weekend and more on Monday

Amer said...

Tiana -- does Numont still look the same? Is it still in the same area?

I have good memories there and remember the headmistress Mrs Swanson (I think her name was...)

Tiana said...

Absolutely the same. I don't think they've even painted the school since you last saw it??? Broma??? Yes the same principal, Mrs. Swanson although she is now quite old and just shows up at main events. Actually some things have changed. The fullest classes of all are Nursery and Reception, when Year 1 starts children start dropping off and going to Spanish schools leaving most classes half empty. For reception classes there are 40 kids (YES 40 KIDS). For this reason they have fitted two barrack (yes BARRACKS - ONE ON TOP OF THE OTHER), the kind the work men have when working on construction bases. So you have Reception 1 divided into four colours and nothing to do with Dickens, Keynes, Lock and Newton. At the beginning it was a big shock knowing there were going to be 40 in the class, actually there isn't a big enough class for so many...... but when divided into four, much better..... The play ground is the same, the classrooms the same... The school is planning to cover up part of the play ground, I suppose having kids inside the school when raining must be quite impressive. Yes, the school needs some painting but basically all is the same except for all these barracks they are "planting" here and there. I would link you on to their web page but our BLOG and ORKUT are much better, I can hardly manage to find the updated calendar. The uniform has changed a bit, now the sweater is red instead of grey - that was changed last year. The teachers; I don't know if they are the same or not, they do seem awfully old to me (at least some of them). Mrs. Swansons' daughter is a teacher (for Reception) and is VERY GOOD...... Pictures; I can't take pictures because my son goes on this shitty bus that picks him up a 8am and drops him off at 4pm - school hours are the same. On the 22nd they have the School Play or Fin de Curso at some Theatre which is quite nice and big so all the family can go. Assembly's take place every 3 months and we all cramp in the lunchroom holding on to dear life while we try and stand on top of long mobile benches that rock back and forth while we try and hold on to our cameras for the best shot of our kids (I never get one since my kid seems to have stage fright and barely manages to yell out some unrecognisable belts and his coordination does not coincide with that of the rest of the class, quite exciting I must say!!!!

I hope to have covered your expectations.

Amer said...

Thanks Tiana for the great, detailed description of Numont.

I remember the lunches downstairs in the basement and I also remember a vacant plot of land overlooking Numont (we would play football and sometimes the ball would go over the fence and wed have to jump over the fence and fetch it)

I also remember when we came down the stairs from our classroom (outside) and you could take a left and keep walking you’d end up in a vacant lot of some kind with old, derelict buildings (which was still part of the playground).

I started in Numont in 1974 with a teacher called Mrs Maynard (meynard?) and then remember a Filipino teacher (forgot name) and then we had an older teacher (who un expectedly left and was replaced). Then the last teacher I remember was some blonde hottie (forgot name) – that was our last year there. I also remember Margarita Castro, Vicky etc doing some performances (to the tune of a Star Wars disco tune) and I played Santa there once in those Xmas specials.

Good days indeed.