Friday, October 21, 2005

Abi & Cía in the India - Update (21 October 2005)

Letter sent by Abi and her husband Juancho from the India
Hola a todos!!

Hasta el momento todo esta saliendo de perlas!

Hemos pasado 14 dias con la tribu de los Gadaba.. gente primitiva y entraniable. Una estancia inolvidable. Hoy os escribimos desde la "civilizacion" donde pasamos una noche y aprovechamos para darnos una ducha caliente! La temperatura no es mala.. siempre rondamos los 25-30 C pero nos ha llovido bastante. A pesar de esto, hemos conseguido grabar ritos muy antiguos y unicos que solo los viejos conocen ya.. esta tribu se esta asimilando a una velocidad de vertigo.. quedan solo 14 mujeres con los vestidos y decoraciones tradicionales..(os mandamos unas fotos adjuntas) de una poblacion total de 350 en la aldea Gadaba donde estabamos situados.

Partimos hoy temprano transportando con nosotros un caballito gordito y precioso que nos ayudara a que la pelicula documental sea mas variada. El equipo Indio se esta portando de maravilla.. son gente solidaria y intentan seguir nuestro ritmo..

Asi que alla vamos!Hacia la tribu de los Bonda, a dos horas andando de cualquier aldea medio civilizada..en el monte que por desgracia se esta deforestando tambien rapidamente ya que todo el mundo usa los arboles para hacer fuego y no replantan.. Lastima. Esta tribu es la mas salvaje y primitiva de las 472 que tiene la India.

Orissa, la provincia donde estamos, es el lugar de mayor concentracion tribal del mundo.. Existen 62 tribus.. nosotros visitaremos las mas dispares entre si.

Os escribiremos de nuevo contando extensamente nuestras aventuras y desventuras.
Ya sabeis, los jueves y domingos tenemos encendido el satelite y nos podeis enviar desde un Vodaphone un mensaje de texto que cuesta 50 centimos de euro. Os recordamos el numero: 0088 650 160033.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Nuria Stisin & Family

Nuria sent us this picture of her family, here it is.

Runny-Dinner - EL TULIPAN - 29/09/2005

Here we go with the "after math" of yesterdays dinner (Thursday 29th, Sept).
By the way, I feel like hell (de culo... to be more exact)
Yesterday evening the "Madrid Runny-Bunch" got together, thanks to Elena Alacid and David Leeland , for a rendezvous at a, lets say, cosy restaurant, to meet up with Alex Chamorro (and his lovely girlfriend) who are in Madrid for a visit. Unfortunately, Mary Ann Voli was also in Madrid and was also going to join us, but do to health problems was unable to attend (we all toasted for you....), hopefully at Xmas both Alex and Mary Ann will be coming back to Madrid for another visit.
Both Ricky and Alex brought their cameras so hopefully we shall have some pictures which THEY WILL SHARE and send to us as a memento.
Like always we had a blast of a time, great laughs and lots and lots of good memories. Of course we missed many of you, specially those of you who always attend and for different reasons were unable to make it, not to mention those of you who we haven't seen for 22 years........ We had a delightful time but the great FINALE, APOTHEOSIS, TRIUMPHAL moment came when leaving the restaurant and due to our general excitement we were thrown TWO BIG ENORMOUS EGGS, yes, EGGS, HUEVOS, OEOUFS, the first one came as a warning (no one was hit) but the second one came SMASHING down and this one was extra large (again, no one was hit) but we all fled in different directions (some went off for drinks and recall the good old days, and some responsible jerks went off home.....) Friday morning has not been easy on any of us.
By the way, we have a PILOT FOR THE 2007 MEETING (place not specified). Christine's husband who also joined us at the dinner for the first time (sorry dear but I will not be the first to write his name and get it wrong), is a PILOT (just one of his hobbies....entre otros atributos), and so is ALEX, although I do not think I would put my life in his hands, specially after last night!!!!!. Now, we just need the PLANE (Willy, any ideas????) and the PLACE???? (how about a Destination Spa ..... learnt that one last night????).
A proposito, aquellos de vosotos que prometisteis pasaros a tomaros una copa............ que no pasasteis...................... sois unos "IMPRESENTABLES" (sorry, had to get it off my chest)
To make a long story short the next "rendezvous" will be:
NOVEMBER 17TH (thursday) at one of Anils' restaurant (& lounge) MOSAIQ - c/ Caracas, 21
so mark your diaries or what ever you guys do as a reminder, and hope to see you all there. I will send a reminder at the beginning of the week (14/11/05) just to those of you here in Madrid and will later send a note to all of you and tell you about it.
Besos to all of you,