Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Welcome Abi and Nuria Stisin (how the hell did I get here)

Dear friends,
I'm "practising" so I don't know where this is going to be published!!!!!
I spoke to Nuria Stisin and then to Abi Stisin. I think I was so excited in speaking to her again that forgot to ask many, many questions. Right now she is resting (reposo total) after fighting for her life once she came back from India with Malaria and being in hospital for over a week (most of the time in Intensive Care). I must admit she did not sound her cheery old-self but considering she has no energy left and trying to get it back, I don't blame her. She was really sorry she couldn't make the dinner (due to the obvious) and promised to make the next one.
Here is her email: (info@youchooseyou.com). Her cell phone:(+34) 670228822
Nuria was a different story. Bubbly and still a scream to speak to. She has had her fourth child 5 months ago, heads I don't know how many businesses etc.... ENERGY...... where the hell does she get it from. I'm sure she will update us all with her multiple activities and know-how!!!!. Here is her email: elbalneario@usa.net. Her cellphone: (+34) 639917052.

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